Friday, September 21, 2012


The emergence of different airborne sensors for geospatial data capture has allowed working with different methodologies in cartographic production. For this reason, it is necessary to study the feasibility of the modern  technologies and their operative  development in order to achieve the optimized integration of  geospatial data.

 Every technological advance is an essential step to fulfill the needs of society, at the same time being important that the technicians responsible indicate the means of improving results in consideration of the different user capabilities. In this process the national cartographic institutions must give their professional advice and establish the working patterns normalizing the cartographic production criteria, so as to honour the purpose demanded by society. 

The current potential in cartographic production for information registration depends on the choice of passive sensors such as analogical cameras and matrix or linear array digital cameras; active sensors such as LIDAR and RADAR; information sources such as RGB, Panchromatic, near IR, intensity level, position (x, y) and height first echo ... last echo); sensor orientation through INS/GPS  and/or aerotriangulation; advantage out of the information (cartography, DTM, DSM, etc.) through photogrammetric techniques, LIDAR or RADAR.

In short, the production framework will depend on the available means and on the technical specifications set up for carrying out the work. We should take into account that the above-mentioned options – in addition to the traditional ones – allow the integration of information from the different sensors and its subsequent management in order to achieve the intended objective. This will be the subject of this paper along with decision taking and the pertinent quality control, as well as the exploitation of the information through the detection of changes and vectorization.


Energy sourceActivePassive
Sensor typePunctualMatrix or linear
Measurement of pointsDirect without redundancy. Accuracy of information only depends on calibration of system componentsIndirect with redundancy. Images with overlay provide the intersection of the homologous rays (HR)
Information typePunctual. Reconstructed surface (type of material and observed structure) difficult to assessMay be punctual, lineal or superficial. Easy to interpret reconstructed model due to info source: the image
SamplingIndividual pointsFull areas
Associated imageNone or monochromatic imageHigh geometric and radiometric quality
Horizontal accuracy2-5 x less than vertical accuracy1-3 x better than vertical accuracy
Vertical accuracy10-15 cm (~ 10 cm per 1,000 m on heights of 2,500 m)Depends on flight altitude and focal length of the camera
Flight planMore complete. Small passes. higher potential for dataNeeds consideration of longitudinal and transverse coverage
Flight constraintsLess impact of time, daylight, night, season cloudsDaylight flying, clean atmosphere necessary
Production rangeMay be automated, thus a greater productionHigher need of editing control
Budget25%-33% of budget: photogrammetric compilation
ProductionSoftware: depends on qualified commercial & technical peopleSoftware for the end-user: slow process of identification and manual extraction. Not reliable if automated, implies editing, especially at large scales.
Data acquisition limited by a largely contrasted areaData can be acquired. Successfully used in coastal cartographic productionDifficult and expensive
Feature extractionDefinition of zones or areasEdge limits 2-D
ResultsEdges or limits 3-DEdges and zones 3-D

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