Friday, September 21, 2012

Photogrammetry equipment's 3D Glass,3D Mouse and Infra Red Emitter

The easiest way to create depth perception in the brain is to provide to the eyes of the viewer two different images, representing two perspectives of the same object, with a minor deviation similar to the perspectives that both eyes naturally receive in binocular vision. Photogrammetry equipment 3d glasses are used for creating a 3d illusion from a pair of 2d-images.
Photogrammetry equipment LCD shutter glasses are glasses used in conjunction with a display screen to create the illusion of a three dimensional image, an example of stereoscopy. Photogrammetry equipment Glass containing liquid crystal and a polarizing filter have the property that it becomes dark when voltage is applied, but otherwise is transparent. The glasses are controlled by an IR, RF, DLP-Link or Bluetooth transmitter that sends timing signal. The Glasses alternately darken over one eye, and then the other, in synchronization with the refresh rate of the screen, while the display alternately displays different perspectives for each eye, using a technique called Alternate-frame sequencing.

Our ability to see stereo-vision comes from each of our eyes seeing a slightly different view of the world. Our brain integrates these two images into one three-dimensional picture. Photogrammetry equipment, the key element in producing the stereoscopic depth effect is parallax. Parallax is the horizontal distance between corresponding left and right image points. The stereoscopic image is composed of two images generated from two related perspective viewpoints, and the viewpoints are responsible for the parallax content of a view.

Photogrammetry equipment Electro-stereoscopic displays provide parallax information to the eye by using a method related to that employed in the stereoscope. The 3D display systems normally in use on of the following methods: 

Photogrammetry equipment stereo glasses -
-Separate display for each eye (used in HMDs) 
-Shutter glasses (most common method) 
-Color filter glasses (used in some old 3D movies) 
-Polarizing glasses (used in some modern 3D movies)

An IR emitter which is a key photogrammetry equipment and is sold with wireless 3-D shutter glasses and essentially provides a method of transmitting the 3-D sync signal to the glasses by sending out an infra-red signal. The Photogrammetry eqipments IR emitter should be connected to the VESA compliant 3D Sync Out port on the side of the TV.

3d mouse is the one of the essential photogrammetry equipments for photogrammetry work station. A wide range of 3d mouses are available in photogrammetry equipments market. Three types of major 3d mouse are used for stereo feature extraction.

-Stealth mouse
-Tope mouse
-Immersion mouse

     Major photogrammetry equipments the Immersion and Stealth E-Mouse are free-hand devices for moving the cursor in the XYZ directions.

Photogrammetry Equipments Stealth Mouse:
    Stealth3dmouse was designed by ABC Software Developers, and resembles pointing devices used with analytical stereo plotters. The Stealth E-mouse features two data buttons on the back, six programmable buttons on the front for control of software functions, two data buttons on the top, and a centrally located Z thumb wheel.

The buttons are long life switches, made in Switzerland. The rated life is about 5 million cycles. If a button stops working, the mouse will have to be sent in for repair. In the diagram above, Buttons 1, 2, and 4 relate to the standard mouse left, right, and middle mouse buttons.

Buttons SL and SR relate to the Microsoft X1 and X2 application buttons, and are normally programmed to provide a shift function. The buttons 3, 5, 6, and 7 may produce special functions depending on the programming of your applications.

Photogrammetry Equipment -Leica Topo Mouse

Leica Topo Mouse is an advanced, ergonomic free-hand device for moving the cursor in the XYZ directions on digital photogrammetric workstations, and for carrying out frequent photogrammetric operations rapidly and efficiently. Topo Mouse is the tool for maximum productivity in time-consuming, routine tasks such as feature collection and DTM editing.

The Topo Mouse button and switch design is built to sustain millions of presses. All buttons and switches are software programmable and can be allocated to operations according to user preference.

 They can also be assigned to control clutching, shifting, sensitivity, and automatic slewing. Multiple sets of button and switch configurations can be stored to suit different operators, projects or software applications.

 Software products from Leica Geosystems such as Leica Photogrammetric Suite®, ORIMA, PRO600 and Stereo Analyst® for ArcGIS include functionality to use the Topo Mouse flexibly; successful operation with third party software products is straightforward as well.
• High productivity • Low cost • Ergonomic design
• Convenient for commonly executed Photogrammetry functions • Fewer mistakes on routine tasks • Controls up to 30 operations

Topo Mouse
Immersion Mouse

If the photogrammetry equipments 3d mouse stops working check the following:
If the mouse does not work at all, make sure it is plugged into the computer, that the computer is working properly, and that there is a red light at the underside of the mouse.
If the Z-wheel does not work, run any application program that normally recognizes the scroll wheel on a normal mouse, and see if the Z-wheel scrolls the application. If it does, then the mouse z-wheel is working properly.
If a button does not work, try another button to make sure the mouse is working.
If the mouse skips when moving, try a different surface. The mouse does not work well on certain surfaces, especially polished or reflective ones.
If the buttons work, but do not act properly, contact your software vender for help.

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