Sunday, September 9, 2012

Calculating Distances on Maps

It is often desirable to use a map to calculate a distance on the ground. If you understand scale ratios, it is very easy to do the calculation
Example 1 The distance to be travelled measures 5.5 centimeters on a 1:10 000 map. 
What distance is this on the ground? 
    1 centimeters represents 10 000 centimeters 
    so 5.5 centimeters represent 5.5 x 10 000 centimeters 
    = 55 000 centimeters 
    = 55 000/100 meters 
    = 550 meters 
Example 2 The reverse calculation is also sometimes useful. For example if a toxic spill will affect all residents within 1km of the spill site, how many streets of houses will have to be cleared? Pollution may travel 1.5km from a spill site, what sized area will be affected on a 1:10 000 map? 
    1.5km = 1.5 x 1 000 meters 
    = 1 500m 
    = 1 500 x 100 centimeters 
    = 150 000 centimeters 
    10 000 centimeters is represented by 1 centimeters 
    so 150 000 centimeters is represented by 
    150 000 / 10 000 centimeters 
    = 15 centimeters 
The area affected will be given by a circle with radius 15 centimeters. 

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